BULAMBULI: Sino Truck Knocks 3 UPDF Officers Killing One On Spot

Accident scene

By Kenneth Wamatoyi




A Sino Truck registration number UBF 097R has knocked three UPDF soldiers travelling on a Bajaj Boxer reg. number UFS 397J killing one on the spot.


The fatal accident occurred at Buhokosi Village, Bunambutye Sub County, Bulambuli District on 30th August 2024 at around 11:30 am.


The accident led to the death of Tumuhaise Phiona, a UPDF personnel attached to Chespikunya Brigade while her colleagues, Adyero John Richard and Ajokait Bosco, both UPDF personnel of the same Brigade and an unidentified civilian rider got serious injuries and are currently admitted at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital.


The Sino truck, driven by Mayega John, was attempting to branch off onto a feeder road when the motorcycle rider, trying to overtake on the driver’s side, lost control and collided with the truck.


According to Elgon Region Police Spokesperson, SP Rogers Taitika, the scene was visited by ASP Namanya Rogers, OC Traffic Bulambuli CPS, and both vehicles are parked at the police yard pending inspection and further inquiries.


Taitika has warned all the road users to be vigilant when using the road and always follow the road signs as per the traffic laws.


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