Bulambuli Secures Funding to Construct Metallic Ladders in Hilly Areas

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By Weswa Ronnie




The Ministry of Works and Transport has allocated 1.8 billion shillings to construct metallic ladders in Bulambuli district.


The Sub Counties which will benefit are Namisuni, Masiga, Bufumbo, Buginyanya, and Sisiyi.


The first phase of the project started in March 1st this year 2024 costing 485 million shillings for a period of two years.


Construction of metallic ladders follows media reports about the lack of permanent ladders in the area which has affected people in the five sub counties from accessing services like schools, health centers and markets.


According to Gerald Nangoli, the area Member of Parliament representing Elgon North constituency in Bulambuli district while speaking to the media during the construction work on Monday, 5th August, 2024, the construction of the metallic ladders, is going to be easier compared to the previous times.


He thanked the government for thinking about her people such that they can also access services which had been blocked for the last few years.


Lona Zanga, a resident of Namidingo village in Namisuni sub county says that they have been using wooden ladders which were a risk to their lives.


She urged government to construct schools, health centers within the area after construction of ladders such that people in the area can also access services than traveling ten or more kilometers.


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