BUKEDEA: 3 Private Clinic Medics Arrested Over Death of Expectant Mother

Apex full of people Photo By George Emuron 3 scaled e1725873135751

By George Emuron



Three staff members of Apex Medical and Diagnostic Center in Bukedea District have been arrested after an Expectant mother who had been referred to Atutur hospital died in their Clinic.


The trio is Patricia Alupo, Cuthbert Okwi and Sarah Angodia who were arrested over the weekend after the death of a one, Beatrice who had failed to deliver at Bukedea Health Center IV.


Consequently, locals of Ogil parish in Kamaca Sub County in Kumi district stormed Apex Medical and diagnostic center demanding a clear explanation over the death of their resident.


According to the available sources, the deceased was referred to Atutur hospital after failing to deliver in Bukedea Health Center IV but she was later diverted to the above mentioned clinic.


Following this distressing incident, Moses Justine Asire, the Kamaca sub county LC3 chairperson urged residents to prioritize government facilities rather than relying on private clinics.


Richard Asiimwe the DPC Bukedea on 8th, Sept 2024 confirmed the arrest and issued a warning to medical practitioners to follow standards of work.


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