Bugweri Accountant Uses Charms to Intimidate Police During Arrest


By Our Reporter




There was drama at Bugweri district headquarters when an assistant accountant attempted to use charms to scare away police officers who had come to arrest him over Shs300M theft.


The 45 year old Karim Musobya was however, arrested on Wednesday, 21st August, 2024. Musobya who is responsible for salary payments in the district, is accused of overpaying salaries to 23 employees, who then illicitly returned the surplus funds to him.


The 45 year old Karim Musobya was however, arrested on Wednesday, 21st August, 2024. Musobya who is responsible for salary payments in the district, is accused of overpaying salaries to 23 employees, who then illicitly returned the surplus funds to him.

The arrest took a dramatic turn when Musobya reportedly presented charms to investigating officers at the Busoga East Regional Police Headquarters in Iganga, seemingly attempting to intimidate them and deter further investigation. This unexpected move caused commotion in the office of the regional Criminal Investigations Department (CID), with officers questioning Musobya about his actions.


In his defense, Musobya claimed that the charms were for his personal protection, something he has relied on since childhood. He explained that he wears these “luck charms” to affirm the protection of his ancestors whenever he faces challenges in life. Musobya insisted that the charms are meant to help him overcome difficulties, often caused by enemies trying to hinder his success.


However, his explanation failed to convince the police, who accused him of using the charms to intimidate them and derail the case.


According to Diana Nandawula, the Busoga East Police spokesperson, Musobya’s arrest followed an investigation that uncovered the loss of Shs300 million through the over payment of salaries. Nandawula stated that Musobya had previously been summoned to record a statement regarding the allegations, but he disregarded the call. The police were then taken aback when Musobya attempted to use charms during his arrest.


Nandawula confirmed that Musobya will face two charges: misappropriation of government funds and public nuisance for his display of charms during the arrest.

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