BUGISU: Emyooga National Coordinator Meets PDM Implementers to Improve Performance

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By Weswa Ronnie




The Emyooga National Coordinator, Ritah Namuwenge has met Parish Development Model (PDM) Implementers and Emyooga officials focusing on curbing corruption and mismanagement within the programme.


The meeting that took place on Thursday, 29th August, 2024 at Mbale City council underscored the collaboration between the PDM Secretariat and Emyooga officials.


The leaders were assessing the implementation status of the initiatives in the Bugisu region with the aim to enhance household incomes and drive socio-economic transformation.


The meeting chaired by Namuwenge was attended by a delegation from Ministry of Finance, district chairpersons, RDCs, RPCs, RISOs, CAOs, DISOs, NRM chairpersons, PDM focal persons, and district commercial officers, among others.


The PDM is the magic strategy for service delivery by the Government of Uganda in improving incomes and welfare of all Ugandans at the household level.

Namuwenge, who is also PDM Consultant for Eastern Uganda, told our reporter that the program’s goal is to raise household incomes and transform the 39% persons in communities from hand to mouth lifestyles to a productive money economy to facilitate socio-economic transformation.


“We are here to discuss how the government can eradicate poverty and identify successful beneficiaries who have effectively utilized the funds and support those still struggling to improve,” Ms Namuwenge said shortly after the meeting.


According to statistics seen by this reporter, the PDM programme is doing badly in the region.


The government has so far disbursed millions of shillings in the region for the programme but the percentage is still low.

The data obtained by this reporter shows that Bugisu sub-region stands at 28.7 percent.

Breakdown of disbursement of PDM funds per district in the region is as follows; Manafwa with 155 PDM Saccos- the disbursement performance is 60% with Shs9,287,000,000 paid out to beneficiaries.

Bulambuli which has 122 PDM Saccos stands at 42% disbursement rate having received Shs7,068,000,000.

Mbale district which registered 90 PDM Saccos stands at 32% disbursement rate with Shs2,900,000,000.

Bududa district with 159 PDM Saccos stands at 20% after Shs3,124,000,000 has been disbursed to date.

Mbale city which has 58 PDM Saccos is at 5% with Shs5,509,000,000 disbursed.

Meanwhile, Namisindwa is second last district with 163 Saccos but only Shs404,000,000 has been disbursed representing 2%.

Sironko district has 224 PDM Saccos but no money has been disbursed yet representing 0% performance.

Jackson Wakweika, the Namisindwa District LCV Chairperson, noted that delays in disbursing funds to beneficiaries in the district were due to extortion by Sacco leaders.

Leru Andrew, CAO of Manafwa, said that as an accounting officer, it would be better for him to know how much money has been allocated to groups.

“I often hear about disbursements after and am usually involved only when problems arise. I appeal to the Micro finance Support Center to notify the district leaders of the amounts disbursed.” Leru noted.

“I have seen on my phone that Emyooga groups received Shs20 million, but what was the criteria,” he said.

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