BUDAKA: Unpaid Security Guard Steals Company Gun


By Weswa Ronnie




Police of Budaka in Budaka district have today Friday, 13th September, 2024 arrested a security guard of Kanoni security services limited who decided to disappear with a company gun from his duty post.


The suspect has been identified as Mudya Musa 28 yrs old Mugwere who was deployed at Prize petrol station located on Mbale Tirinyi High way in Budaka district.


According to Bukedi North region police spokesperson, Semewo Samuel, preliminary investigation revealed that Musa has been demanding August salary this year and has been complaining of feeding to his bosses which annoyed him so much to the extent of running away with the company gun 12 GA Martin model with 04 live ammunition.


He says Police received information from the company supervisor, one Aisa Williams vide CRB 316/2024 and immediately started following Mudya Musa who was arrested at Kamonkoli town council towards Mbale City.


The Suspect was brought back to Budaka after recovering the gun with all ammunition.


Investigation into this matter has started as the Suspect is detained at Budaka CPS.


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