Budaka Pupil, 12, drowns after heavy downpour

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Budaka, (UG):- Authorities in Budaka District are investigating a devastating incident, in which a 12-year-old primary school student tragically lost her life after being swept away by floodwaters following heavy rains on Monday, August 12, 2024.

Naula Brenda, a primary four pupil at Budaka Project Primary School, was making her way home from school when the tragic event unfolded.

According to eyewitness accounts, Naula and several other students were attempting to cross a flooded area when the fast-moving water overpowered her, causing her to disappear completely.

“The deceased had other pupils who got the same problem, but the water overwhelmed Brenda, causing her to vanish,” stated an eyewitness.

Naula’s father, Simon Kisale, a 40-year-old resident of Kibali 1 Village in Budaka Town Council, reported the incident to the Budaka Police Station, filing a case under CRB 267/2024 for death by drowning.

Immediately after receiving the report, a search was launched, and Brenda’s body was eventually recovered from the Kibali 2 Village swamp. The body was then transported to Budaka Health Center IV for a post-mortem examination before being handed over to the family for burial.

Bukedi North acting Police Spokesperson, SP Semewo Samuel confirmed the report and expressed deep condolences to the family and called on parents, caretakers, and guardians.

He advised teachers too, to be vigilant in warning students about the dangers of crossing bridges and other hazardous areas, especially during the rainy season when the region is characterized by swamps.

Semewo said the police have recorded statements from relevant witnesses and have launched an investigation to determine the full circumstances surrounding Brenda’s untimely death.

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