BUDAKA: Mujomba Foundation Targets Youth, Women in Agric Inputs Donation

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By Weswa Ronnie



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, Julius Natudei on Yellow shirt led the donation of hoes and maize seeds to locals of Mugiti Sub County in Iki-iki County

Mujomba Foundation has donated hand hoes and maize seeds to farmers of Mugiti Sub County Iki-Iki County in Budaka district.


The Foundation headed by Mujomba Gagi made the donation on Monday, 2nd September, 2024 at Buloki village, Mugiti, Parish, Mugiti Sub County where a number of women and youths received the items with joy.


Representing Mujomba, Julius Natudei who plans to contest for LCIII Chairperson of Kamonkoli Town Council said that the purpose of donating these items is to empower farmers especially women and youth such that they can improve on food production and household incomes.


He says that the majority of people in Iki-Iki are farmers but most have challenges in terms of getting inputs which are expensive.


Natudei revealed that the Mujomba Foundation has been doing other developments in the constituency like repairing boreholes, supporting young youths in developing their talents among others.


He warned the beneficiaries against misusing the donated items saying they should use them for the right purpose to improve on household income and increasing food production.


Mujomba, a renowned NRM Cadre and Mobilizer is gearing to contest against the current MP Iki-ki, Kasolo in the upcoming 2026 General elections.


Sumba Alisa from Bumesua village, Florence Naigina from Buloki village and Katoko Hadija from Namakisho village, all farmers of Mugiti Sub County expressed their happiness with the support saying this is going to help them in boosting food production.


They urged other leaders to take this as an example by supporting them such that Budaka can be uplifted.


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