BREAKING! UPDF Commandos Attack LRA Joseph Kony’s Camps in Central African Republic

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By Our Reporter



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One of the LRA commander’s home set ablaze by UPDF Commandos

The Uganda Peoples Defence Forces Commandos have today, Tuesday, 20th August, 2024 attacked three camps belong to Joseph Kony’s LRA in the Central African Republic (CAR).


According to a statement issued today, by UPDF the attack was carried out in coordination with South Sudan People’s Defence Forces (SSPDF) and Central African Republic (CAR) security forces.


The three camps that were successfully attacked and destroyed are located at CAR, East of Sam Ouandja. The UPDF destroyed house belonging to the rebels, maize gardens, cassava gardens and military gadgets.


“All camps were destroyed, and equipment was captured. Remnants of the LRA still taking refuge in CAR or elsewhere on the African continent will be hunted down. Unless they surrender to the authorities for proper processing and rehabilitation, they will continue to be considered criminals,” reads the UPDF statement.


In April, 2016 started withdrawing from the CAR where they had deployed to hunt down the elusive Kony for nine years.


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