BREAKING! Ugandan Olympic Athlete, Cheptegei Dies after Petrol Attack

Rebecca Chetegei has succumbed to petrol burns.webp

By Our Reporter




Ugandan Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei has this morning, at 5:00AM 5th September, 2024 died days after being doused in petrol and set on fire by a former boyfriend.


Her death has been confirmed by Uganda Athletics Federation saying, “We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our athlete, Rebecca Cheptegei early this morning who tragically fell victim to domestic violence. As a federation, we condemn such acts and call for justice. May her soul rest In Peace.”


The 33-year-old Ugandan marathon runner, who competed in Paris, had suffered extensive burns after Sunday’s attack, the doctor treating her had said.


The authorities in north-west Kenya, where Cheptegei lived and trained, said she was targeted after returning home from church.

A report filed by a local administrator alleged the athlete and her ex-partner had been wrangling over a piece of land. Police say an investigation is under way.


The family is yet to confirm her death but Dr Owen Menach, the head of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret, where she had been admitted, told local media that the athlete had died after all her organs failed.

Cheptegei’s former boyfriend was also admitted to the hospital – but with less severe burns. He is still in intensive care but his condition was “improving and stable”, Dr Menach said.


“The couple was heard quarrelling outside their house. During the altercation, the boyfriend was seen pouring a liquid on the woman before burning her,” local police chief Jeremiah ole Kosiom was quoted by local media as saying.


We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of our athlete, Rebecca Cheptegei early this morning who tragically fell victim to domestic violence. As a federation, we condemn such acts and call for justice. May her soul rest In Peace.


Ms Cheptegei, from Kapchorwa just across the border in Uganda, is said to have bought a piece of land in Trans Nzoia county and built a house, to be near Kenya’s many athletic training centres.


Talking to reporters, earlier in the week her father, Joseph Cheptegei, said that he prayed “for justice for my daughter”, adding that he had never seen such an inhumane act in his life.


Cheptegei finished 44th in the marathon at the recent Paris Olympics.


She also won gold at the World Mountain and Trail Running Championships in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in 2022.


Her death comes two years after the killings of fellow East African athletes Agnes Tirop and Damaris Mutua, with their partners identified as the main suspects in both cases by the authorities.

Tirop’s husband is currently facing murder charges, which he denies, while a hunt for Mutua’s boyfriend continues.

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