BREAKING: Kenya’s National Assembly Vetting Committee Rejects One CS Nominee, Approves 19

Langat Soy

Compiled By Our Reporter




The National Assembly Committee on Appointments has approved 19 individuals nominated by President William Ruto to fill Cabinet positions in the Kenya Kwanza Government, rejecting one.

The approval, which was read by the National Assembly Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah, comes days after the Cabinet Secretary nominees were vetted by the Committee on Appointments.


“Honourable Speaker, I beg to lay the following paper on the table of the house today, August 7, 2024, the second report of the Committee of Appointments on the vetting of persons for appointment to the Offices of Secretaries volumes 1, 2, 3A and 3B,” the Majority Leader stated.


The rejected Cabinet Secretary Nominee is Stella Soy Langat for the Ministry of Gender, Arts and Culture.

Lang’at hails from Sotik subcounty in Bomet and is the current Director of Administration in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination and National Government.

She previously worked in the State Department of Housing and Urban Planning.

Lang’at was also the county secretary at the county government of Bomet between April 2020 to October 2021.

Before her appointment to the position, she was the senior deputy county commissioner II in charge of Nyando subcounty in 2019.

Between March 2015 to February 2019, she served as the as deputy commissioner for Bomet East, Sameta and Mwingi subcounties.


The committee okayed the nomination of;

  1. Kithure Kindiki – Interior
    2. Debra Barasa – Health
    3. Alice Wahome – Lands
    4. Julius Migos  – Education
    5. Soipan Tuya – Defence
    6. Andrew Karanja – Agriculture
    7. Aden Duale – Environment
    8. Eric Mugaa – Water
    9. Davis Chirchir – Roads
    10. Margaret Ndung’u – ICT
    11. John Mbadi – Treasury
    12. Salim Mvurya – Investments and Trade
    13. Rebecca Miano – Tourism
    14. Opiyo Wandayi – Energy
    15. Kipchumba Murkomen – Sports
    16, Hassan Joho – Mining
    17. Alfred Mutua – Labour
    18. Wycliffe Oparanya – MSMEs
    19. Justin Muturi – Public Service


President William Ruto said the new face of the cabinet is part of his plans to establish a broad-based government.

Notably, some members who were nominated into the cabinet were handpicked from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party. A move analysts termed as crippling opposition politics in the country.

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