BREAKING! Kampala Traders Shutting Down Business Until President Meets Them

Issa Ssekito

By Our Reporter




Kampala Traders have once again threatened to shut down business until President Museveni sees sense in meeting or communicating to them in a dignified way.


This was revealed by KACITA spokesperson Isa Ssekitto today, 30th July, 2024 in a media briefing, arguing that the manner in which the Minister for Kampala postponed the 31st July meeting was demeaning.


Ssekitto’s remarks come after Museveni yet again called off a planned July 31 meeting with the traders, who are protesting against EFRIS and high taxes.


The Traders are also unhappy with Kampala minister, Minsa Kabanda whom they accuse of communicating to them about the postponement as if they are kids through an SMS.


He called upon the Kampala traders to exhibit high discipline during the demonstration where they are merely to lock their shops and go home.


Ssekito says the argument that the President can’t meet them because Kololo is under renovation does not hold water arguing that they can meet the President anywhere in Kampala.

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