Bobi Wine takes credit for Kenzo appointment

Bobi Wine was speaking in light of the recent appointment of singer Eddy Kenzo as the presidential advisor on creatives.

It was because of me coming out as an artist. That showed the leaders that the role of musicians is not just singing and dancing, but that they too are knowledgeable,” said the NUP leader on Saturday morning.

He (President Yoweri Museveni) did not even know there were artists, but he knows now that we are here and he is stalking them. He is calling them, giving them money not because he likes them but because he wants to compromise them.”

The meeting, according to State House, focused on the history of our Uganda’s politics and economy, as the copyright law and its implications.

Museveni tasked Kenzo to coordinate further discussions with technical experts.

Bobi Wine, while appearing on Ebigambo Tebitta talk show on NTV, said President Museveni was cozying up to musicians lately to silence them.

When I came out, they decided to pick out a few artists and told them their job is to weaken and fight the person who is talking about the things that affect them.”

Even the word Ghetto is now respected by the government because of me. It is good that because of us, the people who were once despised are respected.

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