Bobi Wine discharged from hospital after teargas canister fragments are removed from his leg – The Kampala Report



NUP president Robert Kyagulanyi has been discharged from St. Francis Hospital Nsambya, where he was hospitalized after being injured as police dispersed a crowd in Bulindo, Kira.

He is now back at his home in Magere, Kasangati Town Council in Wakiso District.

Bobi Wine underwent surgery to remove the fragments of the teargas canister in his leg.

Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago, who visited Bobi Wine before he was discharged, said: “He is in an encouraging state. We’ve interacted with him and the fragments that went into his leg have since been removed…..we have a tired regime that’s even afraid of its own shadow and the only thing they have resorted to is violence against the people they have ruled for 40 years.”

Before he was discharged, Police set up security checkpoints on all roads leading to St. Francis Hospital in Nsambya, Kampala.

Several motorists were denied access with a few being subjected to thorough security checks before going through.

Meanwhile, Uganda Police Force is accusing the supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) of instigating chaos in Bulindo-Kira, which resulted in the injury of their party leader, Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu. According to the police, the situation escalated when Kyagulanyi’s team began throwing stones at officers conducting traffic duties.

The police maintain that Kyagulanyi’s injuries may have been caused by him “stumbling and falling” during the altercation. Police Spokesperson Kituuma Rusoke explains that three police personnel were injured and three vehicles damaged during the chaotic scenes, allegedly instigated by the NUP procession on Tuesday evening.

Rusoke says that only a thorough investigation, including a medical report, will reveal the true cause of Kyagulanyi’s injuries—whether from a bullet, a tear gas canister, or other means. “Investigations are currently underway,” he told journalists this morning.

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