Bobi Wine discharged from hospital

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National Unity Platform, (NUP) party President, Mr  Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu has been discharged from Nsambya Hospital. 

Mr Kyagulanyi was injured with a tear gas canister on his left leg during an altercation with police on September 3. He was returning from the home of NUP lawyer George Musisi in Bulindo, Kira, Wakiso District. 

He was rushed to Najeem Medical Centre in Kira-Bulindo where he got first aid and later referred to Nsambya Hospital. 

Mr Joel Ssenyonyi, NUP Spokesperson, said that they requested doctors to discharge Kyagulanyi after receiving reports that plain-clothed security personnel allegedly wanted to gain access to Kyagulanyi’s room and demanding his medical forms from the hospital.

According to Ssenyonyi, the doctors allowed Kyagulanyi to complete medical treatment from his home in Magere.

“The operatives in civilian clothes have been trying to access his room since last night. They even demanded his medical forms from the hospital, fortunately, the hospital declined. We don’t know what they intend to do to him,” Ssenyonyi said.  

Earlier in the day, the police and army were deployed heavily at St. Francis Nsambya Hospital restricting acces to roads leading to the hospital. 

The Police Spokesperson Rusoke Kituuma said that the deployment was meant to keep law and order in and around the hospital.  He insisted that the cause of Kyagulanyi’s injury could only be determined after a thorough investigation. 

While addressing journalists in Kampala, Mr Kituuma said that conclusions cannot be made  based on videos circulating on social media. He said that professional and medical investigations will be conducted to ascertain what happened.

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