Bobi Wine biography: Education, age, parents, career, children, politics

Bobi Wine’s education took him through a series of schools. Starting at St. Maria Goretti in Kamwokya, he moved through City Primary School, Kamwokya Islamic Primary School, Canon Umea Primary School, and several others, eventually taking his Primary Leaving Examinations at St. Aloysius Primary School Bukalagi. His secondary education saw him cross paths with other future Ugandan music stars like Bebe Cool, Toolman, and Mr. Parrot at Kitante Hill School.

In the early 2000s, Bobi Wine burst onto the Ugandan music scene with his debut singles “Akagoma,” “Funtula,” and “Sunda,” featuring Ziggy D. His music, a mix of reggae, dancehall, and afrobeat, often carried socially conscious messages, resonating with Uganda’s youth. Adopting the stage name Bobi Wine—derived from his given name, Robert, and inspired by Bob Marley—he became a household name. He led the popular group Fire Base Crew before establishing the Ghetto Republic of Uganja.

His musical success extended beyond Uganda. In 2016, his song “Kiwani” was featured on the soundtrack of the Disney film Queen of Katwe, bringing his distinctive sound to a global audience.

Bobi Wine’s talents aren’t confined to music. He’s also an accomplished actor, appearing in several Ugandan films. His film credits include Cleopatra Koheirwe’s Yogera and the lead role in Situka alongside Hellen Lukoma. He also hosted his reality TV show, The Ghetto President, showcasing his life and advocacy for the underprivileged.

Bobi Wine’s entry into politics came in April 2017, when he announced his candidacy for parliament in the Kyadondo County East by-election. His grassroots campaign struck a chord with the electorate, leading to a decisive victory against seasoned opponents from both the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM) party and the main opposition, Forum for Democratic Change (FDC).

On July 24, 2019, Bobi Wine took his political ambitions a step further by announcing his intention to run for president in the 2021 general election. Aligning himself with the National Unity Platform, he became its president and presidential candidate, positioning himself as a key challenger to Uganda’s long-time leader.

Bobi Wine married Barbie Kyagulanyi in 2011, and the couple has four children: Solomon Kampala, Shalom Namagembe, Shadraq Shilling Mbogo, and Suubi Shine Nakaayi. Despite his busy career and political life, Bobi Wine maintains a strong connection to his family, often sharing moments of their lives with his followers.

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