Biker dies in Buikwe road crash

Police in Buikwe District are investigating a road crash that occurred along the Jinja-Kampala highway on Thursday evening, resulting in the death of a biker.

The incident took place at Lugalambo Tea Plantation and involved a grader (Caterpillar) with registration number UBM 611U and a Honda sports motorcycle registered as UEP 551K.

According to an eyewitness, Mr Oscar Kasakya, a resident of Lugalambo in Najjembe Division, Lugazi Municipality, the biker, identified as 40-year-old Sulaiman Muwawu from Seeta, Mukono District, was speeding from Kampala toward Jinja when he collided with the grader, dying on the spot.

Ms Hellen Butoto, Ssezibwa Police Spokesperson, confirmed the accident and stated that the grader operator, who is yet to be identified, fled the scene immediately after the crash. It is reported that the grader entered the main highway from a feeder road without checking for oncoming traffic, leading to the fatal collision.

Police have initiated an investigation to establish the identity of the grader operator and the vehicle’s ownership. “It is unfortunate that a life has been lost, but we will ensure the suspect is brought to justice,” Ms Butoto said.

She also appealed to all road users to observe road signs and exercise caution to prevent such accidents in the future.

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