Bebecool marks 47th birthday | Pulse Uganda

He revealed that neither he nor his wife and children eat meat.

Their favourite meal, he said, is posho and beans.

My wife and kids are here…they don’t eat meat,” he said.

They eat beans and posho. Right now if I buy meat, it will sit in the fridge till it rots. My lastborn even hates chicken.”

The singer says his children learnt from school to enjoy posho and beans,

On his part, Bebe Cool listed his favourite food as cassava, posho, beans and pumpkins.”

The singer was speaking at his 47th birthday function.

He marked the anniversary by extending support to one of his fans Olivia Nakate, a resident of Bukuku, Kyajja in Mukono district

Olivia suffered a spinal damage and has been paralysed and unable to walk since.

The singer donated a new wheelchair, a smartphone, and a new tailoring machine to Nakate. He also set up a fully equipped salon for Nakate’s two daughters.

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