Bawumia media encounter: Journalist clarifies receiving GH¢10,000 and not GH¢20,000

One of the journalists dismissed rumours of receiving GH¢20,000, clarifying instead that he received GH¢10,000.

I received GH¢10,000, not GH¢20,000. They also paid for my flight and one night’s accommodation,” the unnamed journalist was quoted as telling Fact-Check Ghana.

The report also mentioned that the journalist stated they had to sign against their names before collecting the money. “I can only speak about what I received, which was GH¢10,000, and I signed for it,” another journalist was reported to have said.

Dennis Miracle Aboagye, the Director of Communication for the Bawumia Campaign, reportedly confirmed the invitation of 220 journalists but denied that they paid any journalist GH¢10,000.

I haven’t given any GH¢20,000 or GH¢10,000 to any media house. The highest amount any media person received was between GH¢2,000 and GH¢5,000. They are all not the same; some were even bloggers,” he said.

Aboagye further clarified that journalists invited from outside Accra were provided with additional funds to cover their accommodation and transportation.

Take someone who came from Kumasi or Tamale, for instance. If you give them GH¢5,000 or GH¢7,000, you must then add their accommodation and transport to ensure you have covered them,” he said.

However, the report indicated that contrary to Aboagye’s statement, some journalists contacted from outside Accra claimed they received GH¢10,000, and that amount was not meant to cover transport or accommodation. In fact, some Accra-based journalists who were neither accommodated nor flown to Accra also confirmed receiving GH¢10,000, while others said they were paid either GH¢2,000, GH¢3,000, or GH¢5,000.

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