Balaam regrets ‘costly mistake’ after UBC mast fire


As a result, several radios and free-to-air TV channels which were hosted on this tower went off-air.

The Minister’s Radio 4 was one of the affected stations.

Speaking at an insurance training event for university students in Kampala on Thursday, the Minister regretted not insuring his station.

He revealed that of all the radio and TV stations affected by the incident, only William Pike’s Capital FM had insurance.

“Even UBC was not insured,” revealed the Minister.

“It was after the tower was struck by lightning and we all lost our equipment, that I started looking for insurance companies,” he said.

The Minister regretted not taking the advice given to him by the late Mzee Ssebaana Kizito back in 2002 to insure all his business assets.

Hon Barugahara owns one radio station in South Sudan and five in Uganda namely, Radio 4 in Kampala, Radio 7 in Masindi, Radio 9 in Mbale, Radio 10 in Northern Uganda and Radio 8, which will soon hit the waves in Masaka.

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