Bailiffs give ex-MP aspirant 30 days to save property in Iganga, Jinja

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finance03pix data

Former Busiki County Member of Parliament (MP) aspirant and long-serving headmaster of Iganga Boys’ Boarding Primary School Fred Kasiisa is on the brink of losing property in Iganga District and Jinja City over debts.

Kasiisa, a 2021 MP contestant, garnered 8,174 votes against eventual winner Paul Akamba’s 19,470 votes, while Yusuf Dabada came third with 4,560 votes.

Other contestants included Ibrahim Basuta, Henry Ivabi, Moses Mukose Mutabali, Godfrey Talikula and Latifu Wakiku, who performed dismally in the race.

Kasiisa’s property, which has been put up for public auction by Quickway Auctioneers, upon Instructions from M/S H&G Advocates on behalf of their client, includes two developed commercial lodging building blocks with amenities located on Lubas Road in Iganga Municipality.

Other property includes two developed blocks consisting of classrooms, dormitory buildings, main hall and teachers’ quarters at Jinja Central School Limited, where Mr Kasiisa is registered as proprietor.

“We shall proceed to sell by public auction the properties herein descried together with the developments thereon unless the debtor Jinja Central School Limited pay the Mortgagee, all outstanding loan balances (principal and interest), legal fees, our fees and costs before the expiry of thirty (30) days,” the August 12 notice reads.

When contacted, Kasiisa on Monday said: “We are to reconcile our payments from Wednesday (today); I shall keep you posted.”

Basuta, one of Kasiisa’s rivals during the 2021 elections, says the latter should not contest again because he reportedly has many debts.

After Kasiisa failed in his parliamentary bid, he devoted most of his time to serving the Church, specifically Central Busoga Diocese, where the former is head of laity.

In June last year, he rallied behind parents of Namutumba Primary School to reject the construction of a fuel station on its land located along the Tirinyi-Mbale Highway, opposite Namutumba District Electoral Commission Offices and Kisiki College Secondary School.

Parents had blamed the leadership of Central Busoga Diocese for reportedly giving part of the school land measuring 100 by 100 feet to a private investor trading as Praise Petroleum Company.

Kasiisa described the decision as “very unfortunate”, while arguing that the school services the community.

“It is true the church gave out school land, but the land is now for the school, not for the Church as it claims. We expect the Church to sit with the school for any development on the land to occur,” he said at the time.

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