Ayitey Powers narrates how heavyweight boxer nearly ‘finished’ him in Australia

Former Ghanaian boxer Ayitey Powers has opened up on the most challenging fight in his career, revealing that he gave up because he didn’t want to die.

Still wanting to get paid after travelling all the way to Australia for the bout, Ayitey Powers said he decided to fight him despite the disparity in their weight divisions.

According to him, he had to intentionally go to the ground because he didn’t want to die at the hands of his far stronger opponent.

“Rey Caballero is the one. I fought him fourteen years ago in Australia. I was misled that he was my weight class when in actual fact he was heavyweight. I got to Australia and when I saw him during the weigh-in, I was petrified,” Ayitey Powers told TV3, as quoted by Ghanaweb.

“I couldn’t pull out of the fight because I was already there and I couldn’t come back with an empty pocket. During the fight, he threw a hook and I dodged it, but the air alone almost made me fall.

“He threw another jab and even though it didn’t get to me, I fell down but the referee tried to force me to get up. I didn’t want to die.”

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