Ayisoba recalls experience when Rawlings invited him over smoking allegation

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In an interview with Code Micky, Ayisoba explained, “JJ Rawlings loved me. When I released ‘I Want to See You, My Father,’ I included a line in the song saying that Rawlings smokes and that Kwame Nkrumah smokes as well. I did this intentionally, and as a result, one of my brothers, Thousand Can Die, who was a soldier, helped me meet JJ Rawlings.”

“When I met Rawlings, he asked if I was the composer of ‘I Want to See You, My Father.’ He mentioned that he had seen a video of me saying he smokes, and he laughed throughout our conversation. After that, we took pictures and videos together,” he said.

The musician started out with A useful musical collaboration started between him and the late Terry Bonchaka, a hip life artist from Accra. Bonchaka’s early death was a big setback to King Ayisoba but linking up with recording engineer and music producer Panji Anoff turned his fortunes around. The work of the two resulted in a first cassette and cd in 2006 called “Modern Ghanaians”.

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