Assailants kill Makindye businessman, rob his belongings – The Kampala Report

Gunmen Shoot Stab Mulago Resident to Death

Gunmen Shoot Stab Mulago Resident to Death

Unknown assailants have killed a 68-year-old businessman in Makindye Ssabagabo before robbing him, just meters from his home. The Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, Patrick Onyango, has identified the deceased as Ssalongo Musoke Fred, a resident of Ndejje Kibutika Mirimu cell, Makindye Sabagabo.

Musoke, a fishmonger, was reportedly attacked in the early hours of Wednesday morning. His body was discovered behind a chapati kiosk, just off the main road by residents. Police preliminary findings indicate that Musoke was ambushed around 100 meters from his home, struck with a blunt object, and robbed of unspecified belongings.

“Police responded promptly, recording witness statements and documenting the scene. The body was taken to City Mortuary for a post-mortem examination. We believe the motive of this murder is robbery, but investigations are still ongoing,” Onyango stated. To curb further criminal activity, police have enhanced patrols in the area and are urging the business community to exercise caution, especially when moving early in the morning.

Recently, the Criminal Investigations Directorate (CID) reported that the rise in criminal activities in parts of Kampala Metropolitan areas has been linked to ex-convicts, who revert to crime shortly after serving short sentences.

Authorities are continuing their investigation into this brutal murder, emphasizing their commitment to addressing the growing crime wave.

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