Asamoah Gyan: I fear humans, my friends are now dogs because they’re loyal

Ex-Black Stars captain Asamoah Gyan has said his love for dogs has grown over the years because they are more loyal than humans.

Responding to the question, the retired footballer said he fears humans because they can stab you in the back, adding that he prefers dogs as friends these days because they are loyal creatures.

“I fear humans because they are more dangerous than lions. When a lion wants to attack you, you see it coming but you won’t see a human coming,” Gyan said.

“Everything will look perfect in front of you, and you won’t know what they do behind your back. I used not to like animals but my friends are now dogs. They’re the most loyal living things on earth.”

Meanwhile, Gyan also revealed on the same programme that one of the biggest regrets of his life was being involved in womanising.

Gyan made a lot of money in his career, having played professional football for nearly two decades before retiring last year.

While the 38-year-old has had his fair share of controversies and marital issues, he has now revealed that being a womaniser didn’t serve him well.

“Everyone womanises but it didn’t help me. It didn’t help me at all. Sometimes I don’t blame them too much, because it could be out of excitement.

“My advice is that people and their partners should endeavour to keep things to themselves. Once they start telling people about what is happening in their relationships, it could be used to destroy the relationship,” Gyan added.

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