ARUA CITY: Residents Protest against Assistant RCC Matua, Want Him Removed

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By Our Reporter




A section of community members of Kenya Ward, Arua City have today, 29th August, 2024 gone into a peaceful demonstration protesting and demanding removal of Matua Job Richard the Assistant RCC Arua City.


The protestors carrying Manila papers with writings such as, ‘DRCC Matua Job has come to divide NRM in Arua City’ accuse the Assistant RCC of political bias in execution of duty. This comes after arrests of some PDM officials from the Ward recently.


Matua however, says the people they arrested messed up with PDM money.


“The 50M given out had some beneficiaries who are NOT from Kenya ward. The pple protesting are NOT from Kenya ward. They are mobilized by one of the politicians in the City who is sabotaging the fight against corruption,” says Matua on his X handle.


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