Anti-Corruption Court Remands Man over Theft of Shs474M Milk Farmers’ Money

Mr. Myers at the Anti Corruption Court on 30th May 2024 780x470 1

The Quality Controller of Ntungamo Dairy Farmers Cooperative Union (NDAFUCO) has been arraigned before the Anti-Corruption Court in Kololo, Kampala on allegations of stealing Milk Farmers money worth Shs474 million.

Mr. Myers Muhimbura is charged alongside Laban Mugizi Rukangayo, (Accountant), Abesigye Dan Kakiza (Secretary/Manager),Turyahikayo Caleb (Treasurer) and Kyampaire Jennifer (Cashier) all staff of NDAFUCO.

The State House Anti-Corruption Unit that carried out the investigations and arrest says that Muhimbira being a Quality Controller of Ntungamo Dairy Farmers Cooperative Union, would record lesser quantities of milk supplied to the cooperative by member farmers and after selling the milk delivered, he would steal the difference of money realized.

Meanwhile, his co-accused who did not appear in court but have been summoned are accused of Neglect of Duty.

Muhimbira has been remanded until 13th June, 2024 when he will reappear in court for mention of his case and possible bail application.

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