Animal Industry Minister Explains Why Pork Exportation is Challenging

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By Sadique Bamwita




The Minister of state for Animal Industry, Hon. Bright Rwamirama, on August 13, 2024 pointed out African Swine fever as a major hindrance to exportation of pork.


The Minister said apparently Uganda ranks the biggest consumer and producer of pork at the continental level. He revealed that the recent study indicates that Uganda has overtaken South Africa in consumption and production of pork.  He made these remarks while addressing researchers and scientists from the International Livestock Research Institute(ILRI).


Minister Hon. Bright Rwamirama, said some cultural and religious beliefs that prohibit consumption and production of pork have also greatly affected the pork industry as well as its exportation.


“Uganda was sometime back a leading consumer of pork and second to South Africa as producer of pork,” he said.


Minister Rwamirama revealed that currently there is no vaccine for Africa swine fever saying that scientists are working harder to get the vaccine.


“Because of cultural and religious beliefs, some communities don’t look at pork as a source of protein but science tells us otherwise. So the pork industry is part of our lives and we are now in conversation to champion it,” he added.


The Director General International Livestock Research Institute Appolinaire Djikeng said he is optimistic that once the vaccine for swine fever is discovered, Uganda will earn a lot in exporting pork and it’s products.


‘The pork industry has grown in terms of number of animals since 1994.We can mitigate challenges related to African swine fever by building livestock vaccine facility. The pork industry provides income for the people and proteins required for young children,” he said.


The Commissioner in charge of Animal Health at the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Dr. Grace Asiimwe, said the Ministry is working tirelessly to ensure the pork industry grows to it’s best as expected.


Dr. Asiimwe pledged to address all the gaps that occur during value chain addition and called upon stakeholders in the pork industry and development partners to work hand in hand to address challenges faced by pork producers.

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