Andrew Mwenda talks friendship with President Paul Kagame

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His journey to Rwanda for an interview with Kagame marked the beginning of a long-standing bond that would influence diplomatic relations between Rwanda and Uganda.

During a recent podcast, Mwenda revisited that initial encounter, describing it as “like love at first sight.”

I entered the room, we had short pleasantries and the interview started. After the interview, we set aside the recording equipment and we entered a conversation which lasted 3 hours,” he recalled.

“It was about a range of issues mostly politics, in Rwanda, Uganda and Africa.”

During that discussion, there were things he said that got me so intrigued that I wanted to record them. But at the time we were using MP3 players, and I could not reset it to record more.

So, I asked him if I could go back to my hotel, call Kampala and ask how to reset this equipment and then come back for another 10-minute interview with him, he said yes. And just like that I secured a second appointment with the president.

I did not even have clothes, so the next day I went back in sportswear and we had the second interview for 10 minutes. After that, we had another conversation that lasted 4 hours. One of his bodyguards Ronnie told me he had never seen him speak to someone for so long. That is why it was love at first sight because I was able to talk to him for all that time.”

From that time, Mwenda says hen has been a very keen listener and student of President Kagame.”

Mwenda’s unique access and subsequent interactions with Kagame were not just beneficial on a personal level but also politically significant.

In 2011, he was nominated by Kagame to serve on his Presidential Advisory Council.

Between 2011 and 2018, Mwenda played a crucial role as a de facto envoy, negotiating truces and fostering dialogue between Kagame and Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni, especially during periods of heightened tensions.

These efforts were particularly pivotal in 2019, amidst a diplomatic rift that led to the closure of the Rwanda-Uganda border.

Mwenda was involved in the talks that eventually saw the reopening of the border, smoothing over the bilateral relations.

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