Alan Kasujja meets backlash for defending Kenzo’s presidential advisor job


Kasujja, however, stood by Kenzo, arguing that the musician has accomplished much despite not having the same privileges as others.

He urged critics to reflect on what they have achieved with their own advantages before casting judgment.

Joining the conversation, fellow journalist Raymond Mujuni took a more humorous approach. He quipped, “Naye Kati adviser tufunye wa Lakizhale, mugenda kukiwulira 🤣🤣🤣”

Earlier, Mujuni had shared his thoughts with a more serious tone, writing, “Eggwanga mulifudde ki Banange? 😨😨”

Eddy Kenzo, who also serves as the president of the Uganda National Musicians Federation since May 2023, has found himself at the center of this social media storm.

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