Acidic Vokoz Speaks Out After Successful Concert -“I Didn’t Expect the Huge Turnout”

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howwe 1725392632

Upcoming singer Acidic Vokoz held his maiden concert at Lugogo Cricket Oval, attracting thousands of revelers who danced to his music all night.

The singer admitted that he didn’t expect such a large turnout and was overwhelmed by the support he received.

He sees the turnout as a testament to the quality of his music and believes it marks the beginning of many good things to come.

“I didn’t expect the huge turnout. I was overwhelmed by the love shown to me, but I know it’s the result of hard work. I have fans, and I promise to work even harder for them,” he said during an interview with a local television station.

The concert was primarily attended by artists from Busoga, with a few from the central region.

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