Accra College of Education 3rd-year student caught with ‘stolen’ laptop, phones


A third-year student at Accra College of Education was apprehended by fellow students yesterday for allegedly stealing a laptop and several phones.

In a surprising turn, the suspect was found in possession of not only the stolen laptop but also about eight phones and some flash drives when his bags were searched.

He was subsequently handed over to the police for further investigation.

This incident contributes to a troubling trend of theft on campus, with a total of eight laptops having been stolen from the school’s ICT laboratory already.

@manuelphrimpz tweeted, “Exam week de3 if you make loose p3 them go take do you oo”.

“So unnecessary to beat up a student like that, that’s wrong! If you believe he’s involved in something suspicious. You ask politely, & it’s resolved.”

Beating him up because of these phone’s & laptops is a little off! The discrimination among students is getting out of hands”, @IHimpson stated.

@ajnelson__ also shared, “I don’t know why, these people are very wicked but whenever they are caught I feel Pity for them. I can never touch them. hmmm”

@UTDErnesto also tweeted, “Incoming professional teacher. He wouldn’t mind stealing from the learners too”, stating his disappointment from the fact that the suspect would soon be a professional teacher.

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