A misguided adventure in wasteful expenditure

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By Bagarukayo Abdu

The proposal to rotate parliamentary sittings across Uganda’s regions has been touted as a means of taking governance closer to the people. However, this initiative is nothing more than a misguided adventure that will result in a colossal waste of government resources.

The costs associated with relocating the entire parliamentary apparatus, including members of parliament, staff, and equipment, to different regions will be staggering.

The expenditure on transportation, accommodation, and logistics will place an unnecessary burden on the taxpayer, diverting funds that could be better utilized for developmental projects.

Moreover, the disruption to the legislative process will be significant, as the time and energy spent on relocation will take away from the critical work of lawmaking and oversight. The efficiency and productivity of parliament will be severely compromised, leading to delays and inefficiencies in the passage of crucial legislation.

Furthermore, the benefits of taking governance closer to the people can be achieved through more cost-effective and efficient means, such as leveraging technology to enhance citizen engagement and participation.

In fact, even some government officials have expressed their reservations about this proposal. For instance, Minister Kahiinda and Hon. Rosemary Nyakikongoro were overheard expressing their opposition to the idea while attending a church service in Sheema District yesterday.

They argued that the resources required for rotating parliamentary proceedings would be better spent on developmental projects that directly benefit the citizens.

In conclusion, the proposal to rotate parliamentary proceedings across regions is an ill-conceived initiative that will only serve to waste government resources. We urge policymakers to reconsider this move and explore more prudent and effective ways to promote citizen engagement and participation in the governance process.

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