Bobi Wine jokes with Police in UK


In an attempt to draw contrast between the officers’ conduct and that of their counterparts back in Uganda, Bobi Wine joked about feeling uncomfortable to meet them.

When they said the police wanted to say hi to me, I asked what do they want from me?…I am not here to stage any protest,” he remarked in jest.

The officers responded with assurance, letting him know that they were “here to make sure you are okay.”

Bobi Wine proceeded to shake hands with the two police officers, thanking them for “not arresting me.”

The NUP leader was in Liverpool together with top party leaders where they attended the Labour Conference.

In his remarks at the conference, Bobi Wine highlighted the struggles and aspirations of the Ugandan people, resonating with the Labour Party’s values of equality, justice, and human rights .

He is expected later today to attend the UK NUP Convention in London.

Bobi Wine also had a chance to meet with party member and Music Producer Dan Magic, who has been receiving treatment in the UK following his injury in a fracas with security operatives in Kayunga.

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