Buganda Queen Receives Warm Homecoming as Lake Victoria School Marks 100 Years of Existence

Lady Sylivia Naginda in the middle being welcomed at Lake Victoria school

By Sadique Bamwita



Buganda queen Lady Sylvia Naginda plants a tree at Lake Vicoria school
Buganda queen Lady Sylvia Naginda plants a tree at Lake Victoria school

The Queen of Buganda, Lady Sylvia Nabagereka Naginda received a thunderous warm homecoming at Lake Victoria school after 49years when she left the school.


Lady Sylvia Nabagereka upon arrival at her former school, was welcomed by the Kingdom education minister, Mrs. Cotilda Nakate and the school administration that ushered her into the Headmaster’s office where she signed in the visitors’ book.


She was later led to the tree gardens adjust the Headteacher’s office where she was briefed about the various tree species in the school compound. Thereafter, she planted a memorable tree in the school compound as part of centenary celebrations for the school that marked its 100th anniversary on September 21, 2024.


While addressing the gathering at the school’s playgrounds, Lady Sylvia Naginda expressed happiness upon returning to her former school after 49 years and informed the gathering how she won different sports races under Blue House.


‘I won very many races at this playground where I’m speaking from. This playground reminds me of our golden days when I used to shine in sports.  During our school days, the school had two sections; the upper section for children of European colonialists and the lower section for children of senior civil servants. However when I look around, many things have changed at this school but others have not changed like the school uniform is still the same, ‘Lady Nabagereka recalled her golden school days.


Lady Nabagereka urged the school administration to work as a team to be able to develop the school, and also commended the school management committee for its unwavering support towards the revival of the school’s glory.


She expressed dismay on the current state of the school infrastructures and wondered what had happened to the school and thanked the school headmaster Stephen Nabende for the effort he has put in place to renovate the school structures on top of reviving the school’s academic standards.


‘The current state of the school structures is a total disaster. I wished to visit the school in a much better state but sadly I found the buildings in a dire state.  I often wonder what could have happened to my former primary school.  We must take action to revive the deteriorating state of the school infrastructures. Sincerely we need to take the school to another level and the school administration should advocate for resources from the government to be able to revamp the school structures, “Lady Naginda appealed.’


She further commended the alumni for contributing funds towards the renovation of P.6 and P.7 Blocks respectively.

Lake Victoria Headteaher Stephen Nabende addresing UPPC officials

‘I thank the school Headmaster-Stephen Nabende for organizing the centenary celebrations which brought together all the alumni. Therefore, I urge the school alumni to reflect on our shared school history, “Lady Naginda appealed to alumni.


The Entebbe Municipality Mayor, Fabrice Rulinda who contributed Shs5 million towards the renovation of the school premises, revealed that  the procurement process is going on to remove asbestos from the lower school section and replace them with iron sheets. He added that his office is working tirelessly to secure the land title for the school in order to do away with land grabbers.


The chairperson of Parents Teachers’ association (PTA) of Lake Victoria primary, Proscovia Vick Nanyonjo, informed the Queen of Buganda that public land in Entebbe is under threat and that Lake Victoria school is one of the victims and requested her fellow alumni to work hand in hand to protect the school’s land from land grabbers.


The Wakiso Woman Legislator, Betty Naluyima who contributed cash worth Shs500,000 hailed the current school administration for its efforts taken to renovate the school premises.


Meanwhile, the Uganda Printing and publishing Corporation led by the Corporation public relations officer Rebecca Nyakairu donated 500 tree species to management of Lake Victoria school.




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