Dr Kedrace Turyagyenda named Education Ministry PS

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Doctor Kedrace Turyagyenda has been named as the new Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Sports, replacing Ketty Lamaro.

The appointment was announced by the Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Museveni.  

“I congratulate Dr. Kedrace Turyagyenda on her appointment as the new Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Education,” she said via her X handle formerly Twitter.

President Museveni dropped Ketty Lamaro, citing confidential information about her conduct.

Lamaro’s departure was seen as a significant move, given the importance of the Education Ministry in implementing the government’s education policies.

Janet Museveni also applauded Jane Egau Okou, the Under Secretary in the Ministry of Education stating, “I thank Dr. Jane Egau Okou, the Under Secretary in the Ministry who served in the acting position, for her contributions. I have full confidence in her collaborative efforts with Dr. Turyagyenda.”

Janet Museveni also applauded the sports department for the victories achieved both nationally and internationally and pledged to present the medalists to President Museveni for an official reception.

“We take pride in our significant sports victories, both nationally and internationally. We look forward to His Excellency the President’s official reception of the medalists at the Teryet National High-Altitude Training Centre,”

“We take pride in our significant sports victories, both nationally and internationally. We look forward to His Excellency the President’s official reception of the medalists at the Teryet National High-Altitude Training Centre,” she said.

She added, “The progress in AFCON preparations is praiseworthy. I am optimistic about the swift conclusion of the Sports Bill amendment process and the necessary sub-sector reforms.”

Dr. Kedrace Turyagyenda is an Educationist and has been serving as the Director of Education Standards in the Ministry of Education and Sports. Prior to that, she served as the Commissioner for Secondary Education Standards in the same ministry. She is a member of several governance bodies of education institutions. She has published a number of education research and presented a number of papers in international conferences.

She holds a Doctorate in Education Management from Nkumba University Uganda; a Master of Science Degree from Leicester University in UK; a Bachelor of Science Degree and a Diploma in Education from Makerere University, Uganda.

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