‘R90,000 reward’: Busta Rhymes searches for missing phone in South African club (Video)

Busta Rhymes

Busta Rhymes

Busta Rhymes offers R90,000 for a lost phone in SA

Legendary US rapper Busta Rhymes encountered a setback while enjoying a night out in South Africa.

The hip-hop icon was in the country for the highly anticipated DStv Delicious Festival, held on the 21st and 22nd of September, where he headlined alongside other international stars.

During an after-party at a local club, the mood shifted when Busta took to the mic, announcing that he was searching for a missing iPhone 12 belonging to a woman.

To sweeten the search, the rapper offered a generous reward of R90,000 to anyone who could help recover the phone.

Despite the hiccup, the rapper remained in good spirits, determined to resolve the situation and keep the party going.

Fans on social media applauded Busta for his cool-headed approach, while others shared laughs over the unusual reward for a lost phone.

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