‘I’m going to miss him’ – Mama Joy’s husband returns to France after their nuptial

Mama Joy Papa Joy 1

Mama Joy Papa Joy 1

Mama Joy’s husband returns to France

Papa Joy returns to France after tying the knot with Mama Joy Chauke in a traditional wedding.

The couple were in South Africa for over a week, and the Superfan’s lover explored different places in the country, including Cape Town and Soweto.

Mama Joy ensured to update her fans with the highlights from their wedding ceremony which sparked mixed reactions.

Taking to Twitter, she announced to fans that her husband was on his way back to France.

“Am going to miss him ,,, Papa Joy on his way to France,” she wrote.

The update caused a stir as people wondered if they will be doing a long-distance marriage.

“But u guys just got married mos,y is he leaving u behind, or u the second wife,” a tweep asked.

“I thought Papajoy ke Sbara-Makoti, be careful of long distance relationship,” another user wrote.


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