Muhereza Kyamutetera Appointed Uganda Tourism Association CEO

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Muhereza Kyamutetera, a seasoned business journalist and founder of CEO East Africa Magazine, has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Uganda Tourism Association (UTA).

His appointment takes effect on October 1, 2024.

The announcement was made by UTA, which highlighted Kyamutetera’s extensive experience in strategy development, business growth, marketing, and communications as key strengths he will bring to the role.

With over 20 years of experience 15 of which have been at the executive level—Kyamutetera has worked with over 100 brands across sectors including tourism, financial services, energy, education, and healthcare.

UTA President, Yewagnesh Biriggwa, expressed confidence in the new appointment, saying Kyamutetera’s leadership comes at a pivotal moment for Uganda’s tourism industry, which is still recovering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We are excited about the fresh perspectives and diverse skill sets he brings to UTA and the industry, where he is no stranger,” Biriggwa noted.

Kyamutetera’s mandate as CEO includes strengthening UTA’s vision of building a professional, competitive, and inclusive tourism sector.

UTA, the umbrella organisation for Uganda’s tourism industry, represents over 2,000 enterprises through its 11 member associations, which include tour operators, hotel owners, travel agents, and community-based tourism organizations.

Kyamutetera expressed enthusiasm for his new role.

“I am excited to infuse my professional experience with my passionate love for Destination Uganda and look forward to being an essential bridge between the private sector, the government, and our development partners as we jointly work to increase the volume and value of tourism to Uganda,”stated Kyamutetera.

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