How seed capital is rescuing Bulambuli communities from poverty

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Seed grants being disbursed to village groups in Bulambuli District are empowering locals to fight poverty.

In April 2024, a total of  Shs935m was disbursed to   53 communities by Spark microgrants in partnership with Bulambuli district through which several projects such as boda boda business, animal rearing, crop husbandry, agro-input, produce and maize milling businesses were set up by beneficiaries.

Ms Faradiah Nanzara, a 70-year-old mother of three from Simu-A said they also received technical support on essential skills in cattle rearing, such as disease identification and proper feeding.“We are now earning more from livestock farming and crop cultivation,” she said.

In Simu-A village, 86 households that once struggled with poverty, unemployment, and gender inequality, received a Shs29m seed grant from Spark Micro Grants.

The locals in their groups invested in livestock, starting with 16 goats and 22 dairy cattle. This investment is projected to expand their herd to 33 dairy cattle by early 2025.

Ms Rose Neumbe, a 54-year-old widow from Buyaga SS who benefited from Spark’s financial literacy training, said she secured a Shs200,000 loan, which she invested in her children’s education.

She explained that the community has already earned Shs1.26m from manure sales and has also initiated a chicken-rearing project with 100 birds.

“By August 2024, our collective savings had reached Shs755,500, demonstrating the significant impact of the grant on improving incomes and job opportunities,” she said.

Last month Bulambuli marked the successful graduation of 35 communities from the Facilitated Collective Action Process (FCAP). Over the previous two years, a total of 45 communities were awarded Shs29m each in micro-grants.

The recent visit by Spark Microgrants’ Growth Director Austin Walker and Senior Brand Advisor Hillary Billings highlighted the success of communities like Kikameli, Buyaga SS, and Sisiya.

“Our visit reinforced the strong partnership between Spark and district officials, ensuring continued support as these communities strive for long-term self-reliance,” Mr Walker, said.

Spark Micro-Grants is a non-profit organization that focuses on helping communities to organize and make progress. The organisation has worked in East Africa since July 2010.

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