JINJA CITY: 15 Yr Old Girl Arrested For Aborting Twins


By Kenneth Amatoyi



A 15-year-old girl from Bwagi ward in the former Budondo sub county, now Jinja Northern Division in Jinja City has been arrested for allegedly undergoing an illegal abortion of 7 months twins sparking a police hunt for those involved in the procedure.


The minor whose identity has been held for ethical reasons, was reportedly misled by her 18-year-old boyfriend identified only as Rogers, a sugar cane loader who dropped out of school while in Primary Five.


According to SP James Mubi, on 12th Sept 2024, the girl visited Kyomya Health Centre for antenatal services where midwives congratulated her for the successful romps which would soon earn her the coveted title of Nalongo (mother of twins).


Instead of joy, the expectant teenager was perplexed, prompting her to seek counsel from a fellow teenager friend identified only as Moreen who advised her to get an illegal abortion using local herbs.


Moreen reportedly told the friend that she would forever lose ‘market’ that very moment by carrying twins and miss out on the joy of enjoying life saying even some very powerful ladies in government became Nalongos in their mid-forties and that her breasts would be like chapati.


After experiencing severe labour-like pains, the girl gave birth to seven-month-old twin girls, but they said Moreen suggested disposing of the babies in the health facility’s toilets.


The girl went back home and when she reached home, there was severe bleeding and was later taken to Budodo Hospital and a scan made revealed that there was abortion and leaders reported to Kiira Region. Reports indicate that the parents knew about their daughter’s affair and pregnancy with Rogers who dropped out of school sometime back but chose to negotiate amicably with the boy’s parents for financial and material rewards as well as keep the family name out of public scorn.


Mubi reported that when police were alerted about the issue, they enlisted the help of the fire brigade, who used bright torches to search for the children in the toilet. However, no signs or evidence of the babies were found.


According to the police, it’s possible that Mourne either buried the babies elsewhere or took them for traditional rituals.


However, the 15-year-old girl claimed she had a dream that the babies were buried in a sugarcane plantation, adding to the confusion.


The police urged the parents to ensure their children return to school and avoid dropout issues. They also emphasized the importance of addressing early pregnancy cases within the family.

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