Gen Muhoozi Rules out 2026 Presidential Bid; Endorses Museveni for the 2026 elections – Sabasaba Updates


The UPDF Chief of Defence Forces Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba has said he will not run for president in the 2026 elections.

“I would like to announce that I will not be on the ballot paper in 2026,” said Muhoozi on his official X handle early Saturday morning,

“Almighty God told me to focus on His Army first,” he added.

Muhoozi said he would throw his weight behind his 80-year-old father whom he implied would seek reelection in 2026.

Museveni was in 2021 reelected for a sixth term in office, having seized power in 1986.

“So, I fully endorse President Yoweri Museveni in the next elections,” said Muhoozi.

It remains unclear why Muhoozi abandoned the presidential race.

Muhoozi’s sudden u-turn will stun his fans, some of whom were already mobilising for his presidency.

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