5 facts about tilapia you didn’t know about

Tilapia, a popular and versatile fish, is enjoyed around the world, however, there’s more to this fish than meets the eye.

Tilapia has been farmed for over 4,000 years, with records of its cultivation dating back to ancient Egypt. It’s even depicted in Egyptian tomb paintings, where it was considered a symbol of rebirth.

Tilapia are highly adaptable and can survive in both freshwater and brackish water. They are known to thrive in low-oxygen conditions, making them easy fish to farm in diverse environments.

Unlike many other fish, tilapia has a relatively low mercury content, making it a safer option for frequent consumption, particularly for pregnant women and young children.

While tilapia is not as rich in omega-3s as other fish like salmon, it still contains significant amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are beneficial for heart health and overall wellness.

Due to its mild flavour, low cost, and ability to be farmed easily, tilapia is sometimes referred to as the “aquatic chicken.” It’s one of the most widely consumed types of fish in the world, thanks to its versatility in recipes.

Tilapia is not only a delicious and widely consumed fish but also an interesting one with a rich history and unique traits. Whether it’s their adaptability to different environments or their status as one of the oldest farmed fish, tilapia continues to intrigue and nourish people across the globe.

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