“I’m not violent” Duncan says as he prepares to share same stage with Big Zulu

Duncan Big Zulu 1

Duncan Big Zulu 1

Big Zulu and Duncan will meet in October

Big Zulu and Duncan will be sharing the stage soon following the recent diss track saga between them.

According to Daily Sun, the South African rappers are booked to perform at uGatsheni Music Festival, which will be held in Pongola, northern KZN.

Big Zulu, real name Siyabonga Nene (38) released a track titled 200 Bars dissing Duncan and other rap stars in the game.

Duncan responded with a diss track, After Tears.

The same event happened in 2022 as Duncan replied Big Zulu’s 150 Bars diss song directed to rappers in the SA hip-hop industry.

On the 5th of October, Saturday, the rappers will be performing at the same event and they are set for it.

Duncan, real name Siphamandla Mbambo (28) confirmed he will be there and promises to not cause a stir.

“I don’t know what will happen. I’m not a fighting type. I’m not violent. I’m just a rapper. Big Zulu is old enough to understand how hip-hop artists work.

“We don’t fight physically but use our talent and skills to express how we feel about each other. I’m not scared though because I’ll be protected. Big Zulu might beat me up physically, but he cannot beat me when it comes to rapping,” said Duncan.

Big Zulu also confirmed he will be at the show,

“I’m booked to perform and nothing else. I’ll be there to do what I’m booked for, that’s it,” Big Zulu said.


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