
Woman kidnaps newborn baby to deceive boyfriend

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A 35-year-old woman, Prosperity Hombwani, was sentenced to four years in pr!son for ste@ling a seven-day-old baby in an attempt to deceive her boyfriend into believing she had given birth.

The sentence was handed down by Magistrate Patience Madondo.Hombwani, from Village 9, Chipimbi Mkwasine, pleaded gu!lty to the charge of kidn@pping a newborn. Magistrate Madondo suspended one year of the sentence on the condition that Hombwani does not commit a similar offense within the next five years.

According to the prosecution, on September 2, Epiphania Kwangwari was returning from Chiredzi District Hospital when she encountered Hombwani at the gate.

The two began talking and walking toward a nearby rank. Hombwani then asked Kwangwari to buy two drinks from a shop. Though Kwangwari initially declined the request, she eventually agreed.Upon returning, Kwangwari discovered that Hombwani and the baby were missing.

After searching for two hours, she reported the incident to the police. The baby was later located at Hombwani’s home, where she had already purchased milk and diapers for him.Edwin Homera was the prosecutor in the case.

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