Karuma bridge closed to all traffic till December

This latest development follows ongoing rehabilitation efforts by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA), aimed at ensuring the bridge’s long-term durability.

Earlier updates in August revealed that the bridge, which is critical to the transport network connecting Northern Uganda, South Sudan, and West Nile to Kampala and other regions, was suffering from significant structural issues, including porosity and corrosion of its steel reinforcements.

As the repairs begin, motorists are urged to use alternative routes to avoid the affected area. Gen. Katumba Wamala advised motorists traveling from Kampala to Gulu and West Nile to divert via the Luwero—Kafu—Masindi—Paraa (Murchison Falls National Park) route, connecting to Pakwach or Gulu via Olwiyo.

Those heading to Lira have been directed to use either the Rwenkunye—Apac route via Masindi Port Ferry or the Iganga—Nakalama—Tirinyi—Pallisa—Kumi—Soroti—Lira route.

The closure and diversions will likely cause some inconvenience, but authorities assured the public that these measures are necessary to facilitate the bridge’s full restoration.

The Karuma Bridge, an essential infrastructure for the transportation of goods and services across Uganda and neighbouring countries, has been undergoing critical repairs since May this year. The government has plans to construct a new bridge at Karuma as part of a broader strategy to improve regional connectivity, with other projects set for Pakwach, Masindi Port, and Laropi.

UNRA and the Ministry of Works and Transport have expressed regret for any inconvenience caused during the closure and have urged the public to adhere to the recommended routes.

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