Chosen Becky gives birth to baby girl


Photos of the newborn were shared on social media early Tuesday morning, September 17, capturing the hearts of fans. The internet is abuzz with excitement as the pictures reveal a glimpse of the singer’s new bundle of joy. Fans have flooded her pages with messages of love and congratulations.

Chosen Becky named the girl Amber Grace Mutebi Mirembe.

“ITS A GIRL !!!! 🥰. MUTEBI AMBER GRACE MIREMBE ❤️ Wululuuu 💃💃💃🥰 The Lord Has been greatful 🧎🏻‍♀️🙏. Today is her 5th day on earth . She was born on 12th.Sept.2024 . Born with 3.1kgs . I had a normal delivery and the Lord has blessed with a very very very brown cute girl,” she posted on Instagram.

Felista di Superstar commented on the post: “Ka baby nkawadde colable 😂😂anyways congs my dia😍😍”

Iryn Namubiru said: “Congratulations dear ❤️”

Said Irene Namatovu: “Congs Becky 🎉🎂 mukama mulungi🙏”

In September 2023, Chosen Becky, born Rebecca Kwikiriza, and her boyfriend Dictator Amir welcomed a baby boy, Jibran Nsubuga Mutebi. This was their second child, following the birth of their first, Heather Mutebi Amir, in May 2019.

Chosen Becky, known for her hit song Bankuza, has previously opened up about becoming a mother at the tender age of 16. She revealed in 2021 that she fell in love with a school photographer, Jjagwe Ronald, while in senior three. Their relationship resulted in her first pregnancy, which led to a difficult period with her family. Forced to leave home, she sought refuge at Ronald’s house.

Following the birth of her firstborn, Hrim, Becky decided to pursue a career in music. She crossed paths with rapper Victor Kamenyo, who introduced her to Nick’s Production management, kick-starting her successful journey in the industry.

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