I Didn’t Cause Anyone’s Death in Arua – Eddy Kenzo Sets Record Straight on Arua Chaos

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howwe 1726513104

Over the weekend, musician Eddy Kenzo was scheduled to perform in West Nile. He performed in Adjumani on Friday night and had a show in Arua on Saturday night.

However, the Arua show did not go as planned, as chaos erupted before he could take the stage to perform for his fans.

According to Kenzo, the promoter of the show failed to meet the agreed terms, including the failure to complete his payment and that of other artists who were set to perform.

The singer also apologized to his Arua supporters for the unfortunate event and promised to do better next time when dealing with promoters in West Nile.

Kenzo clarified that his team did not knock down anyone and that the rumors are false and baseless.

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