Letoya Makhene tells her story in new song, ‘Abantu’

Letoya Makhene 2

Letoya Makhene 2

Letoya Makhene announces new song

Letoya Makhene is finally set to break her silence, but she will be doing that through a song titled Abantu.

The South African singer who resuscitated her music career after breaking up with Lebo Keswa revealed that the song will be out this Friday.

Following weeks of rants from Lebo, including calling the singer a fake sangoma and a drug addict, Letoya said she will be telling her side of story in the song.

“I vowed that I will only tell my story through my art. I’m happy to finally announce that my song #Abantu is dropping on Friday the 20th of September 2024. Thank you so much for your unwavering love and support. This is only the beginning. The revolution will be televised,” she wrote on social media.

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