Mpoomy Ledwaba’s son turns 1 (Photos)

Mpoomy Ledwaba 1

Mpoomy Ledwaba 1

Mpoomy Ledwaba and her son

South African businesswoman, Mpoomy Ledwaba celebrates her son who turns 1 years old.

Brenden Praise’s wife shared lovely snaps of the little boy who is marking a milestone.

She captioned post with sweet words, gushing over the birthday celebrant, and how she’s blessed to be his mother.

“MamCools baby turns 1 today! @nontomondlane watching you become a mother has been my greatest joy. Your heart is so big and so nurturing. You’ve kept a human intact for a whole year😁! A busy one that is 😂🌚 *Nka went camping in July for Zani’s birthday.😂🤧he braved the cold and had a timeeee!!!! We are raising a little adventurous boy,” she wrote.

See the cute photos below:


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